
Regenerative leadership: a model of the future.

The key question in this context is: how can we build resilient and forward-thinking companies while giving back to our environment more than we take?

Finding the answer to this question is the challenge of the hour that leaders face. Whatever the answer to this question, it is clear that the answer can be found in disruptive ideas and solutions.

Laura Storm is a Regenerative Business & Leadership Expert, author and founder of She is convinced that it is helpful to learn from nature and to use the knowledge of over 3.8 billion years. Nature has always developed successfully, adapted to ever new conditions, cooperated and created the opportunity for even more life to flourish.

How can we learn from this to make our companies more targeted, networked, cooperative, sustainable and nutritious?

One example: the cycle of nature. Nature does not run 100% all year round. Nature takes breaks. Our companies and our employees also need these regeneration phases in order to be and continue to be innovative and creative. Only the moments of relaxation and recharging our batteries make us efficient and enable us to find the disruptive ideas and solutions we urgently need.

So ask yourself:

  • How do I incorporate breaks into my daily work?
  • How can I remember to take a break?
  • How can I support family, friends, co-workers, colleagues to take time for a break?
