Agile Organisation
Most companies are designed to do what they excel at or what has brought them development and success so far. However, they are unwilling to adapt quickly and flexibly to new market requirements when necessary, nor change very quickly. Experience from the current crisis teaches us that this must change:
Agility is the new old creed.
Is the digitalization or a change of strategy imminent? Perhaps a reorganisation or even a generational change? We accompany you on the path of agile transformation so that a responsible and self-taught organisation emerges. One that perceives, recognises and uses current and future change as opportunities.
Especially in times like these, when you, your company, your employees and your business model face unknown challenges, you need organisational models. Ones that are able to react quickly and proactively to change i.e. be agile.
Disruptive changes like the ones we are currently experiencing with the digitalization will dominate our economic development more than ever. Driving these changes and not being driven by them will be a constant process that will ensure the existence of businesses.
Experience shows that the willingness of employees to go along with and support this process of change is low. This is human nature and change is usually perceived as a threat.
Agility has a decisive influence on the most important success factors in companies, such as the effectiveness of digitalisation, time to market or even employee satisfaction (Management Summary. Kienbaum March 2019).
Way to success
By agile organisation, we mean a corporate culture open to change. One that recognises opportunities at an early stage and a corporate structure capable of managing and supporting change.
The professional management of agile transformation processes becomes a fundamental and decisive skill for future competitiveness in a digital world.
There is a strong interdependence between agile maturity and the success of organisations: Your agile company recognises the new market potential faster, reacts immediately and introduces new products quickly. Agility creates an open and inclusive corporate culture; your employees are motivated and perform well. Your agile organisation feels a positive desire for change to remain competitive.
Your managers and employees are actively involved in the agile transformation process and consider themselves the driving and creative force of change within the company.