
"I have nothing to do with artificial intelligence (AI). AI will create unimagined problems and slow down the development of humanity."

When we hear statements like this or similar, we can assume that these statements will be just as true for these very people. Our confirmation bias will take care of that. In fact, as human beings, we tend to selectively take in, search for and interpret information so that our own expectations are confirmed.

So if we see AI as an interesting solution, we will certainly see, find and recognise many opportunities to use AI meaningfully and creatively to make our everyday work easier.

Solution orientation creates solutions.

Problem orientation creates problems.

So the next time you are faced with a problem, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can I make the most of this situation?
  • What is the hidden opportunity in this?
  • What do I want to achieve?
  • What solution is there?
  • What other solution is there?
